Good Articles and Random Articles

Friday, June 22, 2007



Its correctly spelled as ASHWAGANDHA POWDER

The Ayurveda science, practices for more than five thousands years, is based on the relationship between the physiological organic processes, the environmental elements and the food habits, while the new western science, which was founded hundreds of years ago, is based on the molecular structure and chemistry.

In the present we can notice a strong come-back of the oriental methods of healing, based on medicinal plants, a gentle healing process, a natural one, without any unpleasant secondary effects. The western medicine treats mainly the disease, instead of the patient. All this time, if we would establish a proper correlation between our diets, our food balance, many health problems would be avoided or at least diminished. By using those plants as food supplements, you are practicing an alternative naturist medicine. The science of herbal remedies describes successfully the ancient information and the most complete ones and we can easily adapt them to our current needs. In the last years, the Ayureveda’s herbal remedies were based on the plants from the Himalayan Mountains. Some of the plants used in Ayurveda science are Asparagus racemosus, Malus sylvestris, Nardosythachys jatamansi, Sida cordifolia or Withania Somnifera.
We can begin the presentation of this true herbal remedies arsenal of Ayurveda with Withania Somnifera, or the Indian name of Ashwaganda. This name comes from the Sanskrit language and it is a combination of two words: ashva (horse) and gandha (smell), because of the horse-like smell of the root. Ashwaganda, or Withania somnifera, from the Withaniaceea family, is a shrub that can reach 150 centimeters, richly branched, cames from India, and the Manasa region. Its roots are used can be found as 10 or 15 centimeters long pieces, dark browned, with longitudinal shrinks and a creamy content. The plant contains alkaloids and etheric oils, which activate the digestive enzymes and stimulate the appetite. The fruits, dry or fresh, have a hepato-protector effect and they are highly recommended in dyspepsia. The seeds of the plant can be used in producing an oil with un-satured fat acids that can lower the cholesterol, and the roots and the leaves contain withanolides and clorogenic acids with an antioxidant effect.

All the specialists in this herbal remedies domain agree that the Chinese ginseng will be soon replaced with success by this Indian equivalent, that amazed with his properties both in clinical tests as in the laboratory ones. ashwagandha powder ( Withania somnifera ) is a plant recommended for any age, and it can replace not only the ginseng, but also any other natural or synthetic energy-giving remedy. It contains a real thesaurus of energetic and stimulant substances, and it will fast re-vitalize the patients and the healing process will become shorter. Ashwaganda can be found as a powder, a decoction or medicated oil. The most common form of Ashwaganda is as alcoholic extract or capsules with powdered root.

Just to make an idea about the intensity of the action this plant has, it is enough to mention that laboratory tests have shown the powerful anti-cancer effect on a number of eight tumors, that have amazingly started a withdraw process, after being treated with Ashwaganda. That is why it is the right remedy for the intoxicated bodies, victims of unhealthy food habits and the pollution, for the tired persons and the ones who lack the energy of life. The persons who can’t endure the rigors of a detoxifying remedy and upon which the direct immunitary stimulation fails will benefit fully from this energizing remedy.

Another category of patients who can benefit from Ashwaganda includes the persons which cannot rest properly, which suffer from insomnia, or sleep and get up more tired that they were before, and the name indicates clearly another of the plants areas of action- Withania somnifera.
The latest studies show that the Indian ginseng has a good influence upon our psychic health, and can help the body adapt easier in stressful physical situations or intense emotions. Our bodies react stronger at the psychic stress instead of the pollution or other physical factors, and the first parts affected are the immunitary and the endocrine systems. The use of Ashwaganda has plenty proved that it equilibrates many processes that are naturally disturbed by stress, like producing leucocytes, corticoids and other. It can also diminish the inflammatory reactions in stressful and anxiety related situations. That is why Ashwaganda is highly used as an adaptogenic substance that can help us overcome successfully physiological and psychological stress, giving us the power to resist the stressors and the flexibility and capability to handle the changes in our lives. All the adaptogenic botanicals have an increasing importance in a world dominated by stress and negative impacts of it upon our body systems.

Ashwaganda has also the reputation of an aphrodisiac plant, and it can increase the libido and the sexual function of men after taking it. The wonder plant also has shown its anti-aging qualities, improving the hemoglobin, the count of red cells, the hair melanin concentration of a test-group aged 50-59 years that received 3 grams of Ashwaganda powder for a year.
In order to avoid the heating in the heart and the head, the body and the emotional functions, which are called sadhaka pitta, the Ashwaganda must be taken in combination with cooling foods like milk and rice, or raw sugar, or with cooling plants, such as licorice. You shouldn’t’ t take more than 3-6 grams of Ashwaganda powder daily, for maximum 6 months.

It seems that the Indian herbal remedies science will have important statements to make in the near future, because what it differences it clearly from the other therapies is the fact that it can adapt to each and every one’s individuality. That is why when it comes to subtle interventions, like energizing of the immunitary system, the Indian medicine is the best, especially with a product as the Ashwaganda powder.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

How to select a DOG?

How to select a DOG?
Pen : Diana

In today's modern age, when joint family structure is breaking up and nuclear families are increasing day-by-day. In such cases Dog-Rearing can be very beneficial to human beings.
Having a well-disciplined dog can enrich your family life. By living in company of a canine one feel that he is a part of nature and having an interdependent relationship from which both benefit mutually. As we consider it a member of our family so it becomes our utmost duty to take care of it, the best we can do. So a standard management system is essential for rearing an orderly, well-mannered and disciplined dog. A casual attitude can lead to undesirable habits that may become difficult to get rid of in later stage. Aggression, attention, seeking and undesirable behavior in dogs require psychological treatment therapy training. So we are also responsible for their proper training, feeding, housing, handling, breeding, bedding, bathing, along with providing them company and security.
Deciding a PET DOG:
One should select the type of dog which fits into family environment, its purpose, food habits of family, housing, one can provide to a dog, along with from where to procure. Whether from a registered kennel club or dog breeder with pedigree record.
Instructions to be kept in mind, before selecting a pup:

1. Select the dog according to purpose of rearing.
2. Accordingly, select the breed of choice and correlate its phenotypic characters.
3. Check its pedigree record at least for three generations of both Sire and Dam and the selected pup should be eligible for registration at any registered kennel club.
4. Check behavior of dog whether aggressive or submissive.
5. Check its health status:

a) It should be alert, active and cautious.
b) Eyes should be clear, bright, and free from any discharge and inflammation.
c) Ears should be clean and pink from inside without any foul smell or waxy discharge that may indicate infestation with ear mites.
d) Nose should be clean, free from nasal discharge or any fungal infection.
e) Skin shouldn't be dry and scaly, nor it should have any sores, inflammation especially on groin region and ventral surface of body. Hair should be lustrous, firm and should not come out when it is stroked.
f) Gums should be firm, pink, and odorless, especially in BOXER Breed it should meet perfectly in a scissor bite.
g) Bottom region should be clean and dry, showing no sign of diarrhea or discharge from organs or any fungal infection.
h) Body coat of a pet should be glossy, clean and free from ectoparasites.
i) Claws, footpad and grooves between toes, area beneath tail should be thoroughly examined for ticks and inflammation.
j) When it is lifted in hands, the puppy should feel firm and heavier and relaxed.
k) Record its pulse rate, respiration and body temperature.
l) Faeces and urine should also be normal.

Always procure a pup after two weeks of weaning and preferably at 3-4 months of age to see breed characters as well.

About The Author :
She is self educated expert on dogs.She is also the author of many articles in university publications.Pet & Dogs are always parts of her thoughts.

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